Sunday, November 22, 2015

AAAAAGGGGHHHHH Topic #1: How to be a Woman and Ask for Business in a Man's world

How to be a Woman and Ask for Business in a Man's World
Alternate Title:   Demolition Derby Time?

I'm not explaining in this one. I'm actually asking:

"How to be a woman and ask for business in a Man's world?"

It's a legit question. Eight years into this there are themes that continue to recur....

Whisper into the ear of some men the words real slowly: "demo-li-tion, a-ggre-gate, gra-ding, de-ten-tion ponds", and finish it with a sultry "un-der-ground stor-age tanks". They get stupid. They start shuffling their feet in the dirt in their Carharts. They rev their diesel engines a little. They get excited.

But why do I always feel like when I get involved it kind of spoils the man-party.

I'm not the best estimator in the world. I'm not the worst. I actually want to learn AND I don't want to lose money learning.  So if my company is clean and ethical and presents real numbers with average profit expectations, why do we continue to lose to unethical companies appearing before Judges with Judgments handed down year after year? Doesn't any of the buyers of demolition and environmental services buyers actually read the Atlanta Business Chronicle? It's like gossip for people and companies you don't even know, and hope you never do. And it's not even gossip, it's for real. And pray your company never appears there where the fine print legal action takes place.  (Insert I hope I'm never sued but I'm sure I will be Prayer here x).

How do I:
1.) present the proposal
2.) ask for the business
3.) not come off as an aggressive bitch?
4.) and not ask how or why I could possibly lose yet again to a notorious company that doesn't pay their subs?


Meanwhile, while looking (ok, Googling) for a kick ass graphic to go with this post, I may have found some inspiring.......women.........moms..........doing amazing things in a man's world..........though I'm not sure why, but that's not the point. Maybe just a sign to rev up my own diesel and start careening around a little. Maybe put a little Demolition Derby into my efforts.....

Photo: ABC News

Why does "Picking up a Permit" sound so EASY? Part II

Hmmmmm, let's see: last post we were trying to get ALL the information required from a jurisdiction to get a Demolition Permit. This is nearly impossible if attempting by phone and/or relying on jurisdiction website alone.  Even with repeated experience the permit obtaining experience can and will vary depending upon personnel and their interpretation of the permit requirements for their respective jurisdictions.....

As a summary of the previous post, listed below is a simplifield "checklist" that MAY or MAY NOT apply per your jurisdiction for the demolition permit seeker. Quiz the building permit office personnel for the following documents applicability to your project............OR just call Southern Demolition and Environmental and ask us to complete your project with permitting!

For those ambitious do-it-yourselfers here you go:

  • Specific # of copies of a Demolition Site Plan prepared by a registered Surveyor or Engineer.
  • Specific size of Demolition Site Plan
  • Build Back Plan
  • Specific requirements and notes per that jurisdiction desire on Site Plan: ie, dumpster placement, erosion control, topography indicated, state and local stream buffers, etc
  • Rodent Letter or "Rat Letter" - supplied by a licensed Exterminator after treatment to ensure Rodents will not flee during the course of demolition
  • Asbestos Clearance Letter - supplied by an accredited Asbestos Inspector verifying Asbestos Containing Materials are not present and/or have been properly abated prior to demolition.
  • EPD Notification - Required on NESHAPS asbestos and/or demolition work meeting specific requirements and presented to the Environmental Protection Division naming work methods, schedule and other pertinent information relative to demolition and/or asbestos work.
  • Letter from licensed plumber certifying that Septic Tank has been pumped (if applicable)
  • Evidence of intent of installing construction entrance per jurisdiction pre construction inspection requirements.
  • Erosion Control Bond (Cobb County)
  • Current Business License
  • Name and Number of individual holding Blue Card
  • Photos of structure to be demolished - potentially several for consideration by the jurisdiction Historical Society
  • Fees, Site Development Fees, Additional Fees
  • Additional Permits that must be issued in conjunction with Demolition Permit (ie, Sewer Plug Permit per City of Atlanta).
  • Keep 404-478-7142, Office number for Southern Demolition and Environmental in your back pocket for emergency! website:   email:

                                                       Demolition Permit Ready!
                                                                Photo: G Ragsdale